October // Safety Article

The odds are very good that each and every person reading this article has received at least one (and more than likely, closer to a hundred) sets of manufacturer’s instructions for something.  It can be tempting to toss that paper aside, but DON’T! Manufacturer’s instructions contain detailed and valuable information on how a product should be used and maintained. 

This is especially important for items that can cause significant harm when manufacturer’s instructions are not followed, such as bed rails, mobility devices, and heat-generating devices.  Following manufacturer’s instructions reduces the risk of injury from use of the device. Many studies have found that failing to follow manufacturer’s instructions are a significant cause of preventable injuries.  It is always worth it to take the time to read them, and keep them handy in a designated spot, so you remember where you put them. 

In the words of Benjamin Franklin – “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!”