ASK THE EXPERT // Skin Cancer Awareness

Signs of Melanoma That Are Easy to Miss

One of the most common types of cancer in the U.S., especially among older adults, is melanoma. Roughly 100,000 Americans each year are diagnosed with melanoma.

Have you learned what to look for on your skin? Asymmetrical moles or spots on the skin that continue to grow are areas to keep an eye on. Completing a scan of our bodies to note changes is important to identify unusual signs.

“Melanoma is such a rule breaker,” says Elizabeth Buchbinder, M.D., an oncologist at DanaFarber Cancer Institute in Boston and an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. Little moles can cause big trouble, and new spots can grow and spread quickly, she adds. “And so knowing what to look out for, it’s super important.”

1. The ‘ugly duckling’ – Men and women with a multitude of moles are noted to have an increased risk for melanoma. However, you should not panic and start counting each mole. Look for the ‘ugly duckling’. In a large group of moles, make note of the mole with an odd shape.

2. ‘Where the sun doesn’t shine’ – Ultraviolet (UV) lights are a cause for melanomas, and not all come from sun exposure. Look for dark streaks under your fingernail or toenail that don’t grow out.

3. Red, white and blue hues – Dark-brown moles are the common color for melanomas, however they can also present in other colors. For example, melanomas can take on a pink hue and be mistreated as a skin rash.

4. Spots on the skin that bleed or itch – Seek a doctor for consultation with a mole that becomes tender or itchy.

Skin cancer is preventable. “People need to really be aware of their skin,” Quigley says. “And if there’s anything that seems abnormal, it’s not the time to wait – it needs to be evaluated.”

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