ASK THE EXPERT // Keeping Your Feet Healthy

We use our feet a lot.  Most days, we don’t even realize how much.  When we start our day we plant them on the floor and set in motion our daily activities that begin with a step!  Even a moderate walker, will circle the Earth at the equator about 4 1/2 times in a lifetime.  We need our feet to be healthy and feel good.  Below are some general foot care tips for healthy feet:

· Check your feet daily to make sure you don’t have a surprise cut, sore or injured toenail.

· Wear proper fitting shoes. Shoes that are too tight can cause ingrown toenails.  Shoes that are too loose can cause blisters and can be tripping hazards.

· Trim your toenails.  Don’t remove calluses yourself.

· Keep your feet clean and dry.  Use lotion to condition the feet from dry skin.

· Get your feet checked at your healthcare visit. 

· Keep the blood flowing.  Wiggle your toes and elevate your feet when you are sitting if possible.

· Choose activities that are easy on the feet:  Walking, riding a bike or swimming are a few.

If you are a diabetic, your foot care is extremely important.  Daily care is one of the best ways to prevent foot complications.  About fifty percent of people with diabetes have some kind of nerve damage in their feet.   This can lead to loss of feeling or numbness.  Nerve damage can lower your ability to feel pain, as well as heat or cold. 

No pain sounds great, but you may not feel blisters, sores, cuts or foot ulcers that can lead to bigger problems.   If untreated these can become infected and problematic.  If you get an infection this can spread and cause your toe or foot to become compromised.  Untreated infections can cause extensive damage that can lead to loss of a toe or part of a foot. 

Copperfield Hill has a monthly podiatry clinic.  Appointments are available in each building.  Sign up is available with the nursing office or concierge.  If you have questions, please contact our nursing staff.

More information at: and

Walking is a great form of exercise for everyone!