The Longest Day

The first day of Summer arrives with the solstice. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, today, June 21st marks the longest day of the year. In celebration of those that suffer from Alzheimer’s and their caregivers,  Copperfield Hill kicked off fund raising  for the Alzheimer’s Association. We celebrated with music and root beer floats.  All donations will go towards our goal to raise money to support the Alzheimer’s Association.


“On June 21, the summer solstice, people across the world will participate in a fundraising activity on The Longest Day. Together, the strength of our light will outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s.”  The Alzheimer’s Association

To learn more, visit:

longest day




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Happy Father’s Day

Last month we touched on Mother’s Day. Let us not forget all of those Dads out there. Sunday, June 16th is Father’s Day.
The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in the state of Washington. However, it was not until 1972–58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official–that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Celebrating the nation’s fathers did not gather the same hype as did Mother’s Day. It didn’t have the same sentimental appeal. That first Washington celebration was launched by the daughter of a widower who had raised six children. Sonora Smart Dodd pursued the idea and approached local churches, business owners and government officials to rally support for her efforts. The holiday spread and in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge promoted the observance of Father’s Day. It wasn’t until 1972, when President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation making Father’s Day a federal holiday.
While Father’s Day is a popular time to spend on those we love, the average $12 billion spent each year is just about half of what is spent on Mother’s Day.
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Today Marks the 75th Anniversary of D-Day

The Normandy landings were the landing operations on Tuesday, June 6, 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune, it is often referred to as D-Day. It was the largest seaborne invasion in history.

More than 160,000 Allied troops landed on the French coastline that was heavily fortified by the Nazis.Thousands of ships and aircraft also supported the mission. On this day, the Allied troops established a substantial presence which gained them strong forward movement towards ending the war. Close to 10,000 soldiers were killed or wounded. Another 100,000 marched into Europe for the final days before declaring victory and the end of World War II.

While all of this was happening in Europe, the day was also graduation day at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.  Twenty one members of the D-Day Class are still living.  Many served to rebuild Europe after World War II.  They went on to serve in Korea and  Vietnam.


More information at and

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