Category Archives: Fun Facts

American Heart Month

February is designated as American Heart Month. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. It contributes to 1 in every 5 deaths. President Lyndon B. Johnson was the first U.S. president to declare February as American Heart Month in 1964.

> There is no better time in the year to learn a little more about your heart and what it is capable of.

> Your heart beats about 100,000 times per day.

> Your heart pumps blood through about 60,000 miles (96,000 kilometers) of blood vessels.

> A typical heart pumps approximately 4 tablespoons of blood with each beat.

> Almost every cell in your body gets blood from your heart. The outliers can be found in the corneas of your eyes.

> A joke a day may help keep the heart doctor away, as laughing can improve heart health by lowering stress and relaxing blood vessels.


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With the start of the New Year, people have made resolutions to create improvements in their lives through changes in health and habits. The tradition to set resolutions was established thousands of years ago.

Over 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians were the first to record New Year festivities. They held a 12-day festival to mark the agricultural season around the spring equinox. In 46 B.C. in Rome, Julius Caesar introduced the new calendar and marked January 1 as the beginning of the New Year. In the 18th century, Christians would hold mass on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day. The church service provided a time to reflect on the past year and propose resolutions to start the new year with a fresh beginning.

Today, New Year’s resolutions are a common practice around the world. Over 50% of people will set a goal and only roughly 9% of people will complete their new resolutions. Experts suggest to write down your goal or have a friend encourage you through accountability.    

Below are some ideas to implement as resolutions for the start of 2024.

► Attend a new activity each month to experience all the offerings at Copperfield Hill.

► Sit at a different dining table to meet new friends.

► Attend the morning exercise class offered 4 days a week. Start with even 1 day a week.

► Take a daily walk around the atrium.

► Read a book from the Copperfield Hill library.


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The month of April is set aside to recognize volunteers and encourage others to offer their gifts. Thriving communities are comprised of a collective group of volunteers. Volunteers lend their time, talent and voice to support organizations they care about. Each and every act of volunteering is appreciated. Volunteers come in all ages. Those who give of their time in one hour increments or countless hours, each are appreciated.

Copperfield Hill is home to many individuals who have offered their time and talents. Some have provided their assistance inside our community and organizations that surround our home. Examples of volunteering have included: watering our poinsettias, leading activities, organizing the library, filling the in-house boxes with weekly calendars, NEAR food shelf, and the local church.


· Thank a volunteer.

· Volunteer! Giving of your time is a rewarding experience.

· Research opportunities to volunteer that fit your time, talent and interest level.

· Donate to an organization that aligns with your passion.


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September Is Better Breakfast Month

Rise and Shine! Many Americans are in a time crunch in the morning or we have developed poor eating habits with our morning routine. With the change of season, September is a great month to spend time learning the importance of starting our day with breakfast.

Research has been conducted to show a substantial difference in the overall health and well-being of an individual who eats a balanced breakfast.


· Eating a healthy breakfast helps control your weight

· It helps you fit in all of your daily nutrients

· Breakfast is delicious


· Scrambled Eggs: Include turkey bacon, fruit and whole grain toast to round out the meal.

· Whole-Grain Waffles: serve with fresh fruit.

· English Muffin Sandwich: Toast a whole-grain muffin. Add low-fat cheese and sliced deli ham.

· Breakfast Tacos: Scramble eggs with beans in tortilla. Add salsa and low fat cheese.

· Whole-Grain Cereal: Add fresh fruit to your unsweetened cereal.

· Yogurt Parfait: Layer yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit and granola.

· Smoothie: Blend low-fat milk, frozen strawberries and a banana. Enjoy with a bran muffin.

· Oatmeal: Eliminate the added sugar and add fresh fruit, dried cranberries and almonds.


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National Simplify Your Life Week

August 1-7, 2022

National Simplify Your Life Week is an opportunity to examine one’s life through physical and psychological clutter. Clutter through our home and personal commitments can bring stress and anxiety.

The history of National Simplify Your Life Week is unknown. However the purpose to promote a stress-free life is thought by many to be a beneficial observation.

Decreasing items from your home, calendar and energy will allow you space to breathe and focus on the areas that bring you joy. Below are four ways to simplify your life.


Living in a home with stacks of papers, disorganized closets and heaps of clothes can provide a psychological feeling of being overwhelmed. Decluttering one room at a time is a suggested starting point. You will feel at peace once you have fewer items to worry about.


Focusing on your past choices and self-pity are examples of unhealthy habits. Create an opportunity to increase your thoughts on gratitude and self-compassion. Arise each day by stating one item you are thankful for.


Negative people can take up extra space in your life by bringing your mental health down rather than being a positive influencer. This does not mean we eliminate people from our lives who are going through hard circumstances. Creating healthy boundaries is vital to an overall stable mental health.GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR TIME

Stop overcommitting your schedule. Allow space in your calendar to focus on the things that matter most to you. Your days and time are precious. Don’t focus on all your tasks and being busy. Allow space in your schedule to just “be”. Be in the moment. Read a book. Take a walk and have a conversation with those you love.


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The Tooth Brush – A History

October is National Oral Hygiene Month

The modern toothbrush was invented in 1938.  Early forms of a “tooth brush” date to 3000 BC.  Ancient people used a “chew stick”,  a stick that someone would chew on until it became frayed.  The sticks were rubbed against the teeth.

The bristle toothbrush was invented in the mid 1400’s in China.  With handles of bamboo or bone, the bristles were usually taken from an animal with coarse hair.  Boar bristles were often used.  With the invention of plastics in the late 1930’s, nylon bristles were introduced.  The first commercial tooth brush was called Doctor West’s Miracle Toothbrush.  Disciplined oral hygiene became more of a practice in the 1940’s.  This was due to the disciplined hygiene habits of WWII soldiers.

The first American to patent a toothbrush was H. N. Wadsworth, (patent #18,653) on Nov. 7, 1857.  One of the first electric toothbrushes to hit the American market was in 1960. It was marketed by the Squibb company under the name Broxodent.toothbrush

Sources:, and


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Diet Choices That Can Boost Sleep Quality


In March we welcome the change of seasons. We are excited to say goodbye to winter and the cold weather. With the promise of Summer on the horizon, many people are refocusing their attention on their health and wellness journey.  This often includes attention to your diet, which can help with better weight management.

If you are seeking to make changes to your nutrition and diet, sleep plays an important factor in being successful.  Many of us feel especially sluggish after the winter hibernation. In addition, we experienced the change of our clocks. We jumped ahead one hour due to Daylight Savings. The National Sleep Foundation has claimed the week after Daylight Savings to be Sleep Awareness Week. In 2021, Sleep Awareness Week is dated March 14th through March 20th.

We have compiled a few options on how to achieve a better night’s sleep through our nutrition choices during the day.

Fruits – An important piece for any diet, but when we are speaking about sleep specifically, look at eating more cherries or kiwis. Cherries have been found to help decrease the effects of insomnia. Cherries contain a high amount of the sleep-promoting hormone, melatonin. Eating kiwis two hours before bed has been found to help with falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer and waking up less frequently.

Caffeine – Most of us know to avoid caffeine before bed. The rule is to avoid caffeine 5 to 6 hours before bed. Caffeine can be tricky because it can also be found in the foods we consume, it’s not limited to beverages like coffee or soda.

Snacking – Avoid late night snacking. Try to stop eating 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed. Snacking can lead to broken sleep, individuals find themselves waking up more frequently during the night.

Spicy food – Eating spicy food can cause heartburn which can impact your sleep. Acid reflux can worsen and irritate an individual’s airways. Avoid consuming spicy foods within 3 hours of going to bed.

Alcohol – Drinking alcohol before bed is typically not the best choice. Alcohol is a sedative and it may help you fall asleep, but it reduces the overall quality of sleep you receive. Most people find themselves waking up more frequently during the night.

Sources: and

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Let’s March into Spring HEALTHIER

March is


National Nutrition Month was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The month focuses on helping people make informed and healthy food choices. They focus on developing better eating habits and healthy physical activities. Many common health problems can be prevented by taking charge of your diet and exercise. Paying attention to what you eat and drink and physical movement are two of the biggest ways you can take control of your health.

Common health problems that can positively benefit from a good eating regime are many. At any age it is important to pay attention to what you eat and the quantity. Our diet contributes to our overall well being.

Diabetes is a long lasting disease that affects how your body turns food into energy. There are different types of Diabetes. Over 34 million people live with diabetes and over 85 million live with prediabetes. Most of the food we eat is broken down into sugar (glucose) and released into our bloodstream. When your blood sugar goes up, your pancreas is signaled to release insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let the blood sugar into your body’s cells for use as energy. With diabetes, your body doesn’t make insulin or can’t use it properly. Over time, serious health problems can develop, such as heart disease, kidney disease and vision loss.

Living with diabetes can be a challenge. But one can do a lot of good by eating well and staying active. A healthy diet that includes a balance of nutrient rich foods is extremely important. Balancing your blood sugar is the key to staying well. Knowledge is power, so here’s a list of things to help create a healthy eating plan.

Meal Planning – Make a plan so you are not caught without the proper foods to sustain your health

Grocery Shopping – Helps keep you on track with your meal plans

Read Food Labels – Know the nutritional value of the food you purchase

Eating Out – Have a plan before you go to a restaurant, choose wisely



Learn much, much more at:,,,


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The History of Friday the 13th

Friday, November 13, 2020

In a good year, Friday the 13th carries its reputation of bad luck. In a pandemic year, who knows what it will bring.

The origins of the Western fear of the number 13 is unclear. Some date it back to a Norse myth about 12 gods having a dinner party and a 13th uninvited guest arrives.  Others relate the fear of the number 13 to the Code of Hammurabi. The Code allegedly missed a 13th law from its list of legal rules. This event is commonly viewed as simply, a clerical error. However, superstitious people will point to this as proof of 13’s longstanding negative associations. There is a biblical theory as well.  The Last Supper was attended by 13 guests.  Jesus and his 12 apostles attended and one of those apostles went on to betray Jesus.

Why Friday though? Most people look forward to Friday every week. It is the sign of another work week done and ushers in the happiness of the weekend. The negative association with Friday is linked to religious and cultural origins. Biblically, Friday is seen to be more ominous because it is the day Jesus was crucified.

Friday and the number 13, how did these two “unlucky” things get paired together? There are infinite theories and most have been dismissed. Friday the 13th really gained attention and hysteria in the 20th century.  An author by the name of Thomas Lawson published a book titled, Friday, the Thirteenth, which is about a stockbroker who deliberately chooses to crash the stock market on this given date. The following year, the New York Times became one of the first channels to recognize the superstition. Fast forward to the 1980’s when a new movie franchise was born. It featured the anti-hero, Jason Voorhees terrorizing infamous Camp Crystal Lake. “Friday the 13th” became a popular culture phenomenon and added to the superstitions attached to the date.


Sources:, and


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Laughter is the best medicine… 

Staying healthy sometimes seems like a lot of work.  One way to increase our wellness is to simply laugh.  Life isn’t always funny, but there are good reasons, both physically and emotionally, to laugh!


  • Laughter makes us healthier.  It lowers our blood pressure, reduces stress hormones and increases muscle flexion.  It increases the circulation of antibodies in the blood stream and makes us more resistant to infection.


  • Laughter touches our soul. Laughter is good for us physically – it’s good for the soul.  It brings us closer to one another and there is something that is wonderful about that.  Sometimes laughter catches us by surprise and that can make us feel great.


  • Laughter keeps things in perspective.  Laughter helps us lighten up and take ourselves less seriously.


  • Laughter helps us stay positive.  Laughter helps us keep our troubles in perspective and that can help us stay positive.  It creates positive emotions and thus a positive frame of mind.  Laughter is much like changing a babies diaper.  It doesn’t last long but it sure helps in the short term.


  • Laughter is loving.  We laugh at our mistakes and foibles.  We find humor with our friends and family.  We laugh together.  These positive experiences give us the gifts of joy and love.



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